“All live line tools, rubber gloves and protective equipment must be clean and visually inspected each day prior to use” E&USA Rule 134 (IHSA) Adding live line tool inspection to your daily safety practices can help protect you against harm from electrical shock while on the job. WHAT TO LOOK FOR: Visually inspect the tool for a smooth glossy surface. Check for deep cuts, scratches, nicks, gouges or ...Read More
LTL Blog
Lineman's Testing Laboratories of Canada
Ensuring Electrical Sa...
Ensuring the Integrity...
Tips for safety when w...
7 Benefits to Using Gr...
Equipment damage or malfunction can cost your business thousands of dollars due to production downtime or lost time incidents. Preventative measures, such as Infrared Scanning (Infrared Thermography) should be in place in order to: improve plant safety prevent costly downtime reduce operating costs and increase equipment reliability (Right: Infrared image indicating the hot spot locations ...Read More
We’ve all heard horror stories about workers suffering from electrical injuries while on the job. Oftentimes these injuries could have been avoided, or the severity minimized, with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). One of the most important articles of protection in your PPE kit are insulating rubber gloves. As Canada’s largest stocking supplier of insulating rubber gloves and PPE, one question we are frequent ...Read More
An arc flash can cause damage to equipment and result in job downtime, but more importantly it can cause burns, blindness, nerve damage and even death. The majority of hospital admissions following electrical accidents are due to arc flash burns (per NFPA 70E-2004). That’s why at Lineman’s Testing Laboratories (LTL), we stress the importance of regular equipment maintenance, training and the use of proper PPE for anyone who wo ...Read More