Our Commitment to Accessibility
Lineman’s Testing Laboratories of Canada is committed to providing quality service that is accessible to all members of the public. It is our goal to ensure that all members of the public receive the same type and quality of service from Lineman’s Testing Laboratories of Canada, regardless of any barriers that may exist.
Your feedback is important to help improve the accessibility service at Lineman’s Testing Laboratories of Canada. Please complete our feedback form, and submit your comments using any of the following methods:
Feedback Form
Lineman’s Testing Laboratories of Canada
Mail Lineman’s Testing Laboratories of Canada
46 Meridian Road
Toronto, Ontario M9W 4Z7
By Telephone: Call 416.742.6911 to speak to one of our representatives.
Temporary Disruptions
Lineman’s Testing Laboratories of Canada will make every reasonable effort to provide customers, employees, and any others with timely notification in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services normally used by people with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternate facilities or services, if available.